MooseDog Prints
Site last Updates 11/25/2022

All Photos © Carl Steckler
My work is a hybrid of photography and digital art. The inspiration for most of my work comes from the forms, colors, and patterns of the natural environment combined with the beauty of the human form or nature alone. The techniques I use in the creative process depend on where I start.

Most begin as either digital or traditional 35mm photographs that are subsequently manipulated in either a 2D or 3D graphics environment - or both.

Digital painting is a type of digital art but it is not “computer-generated” art, in that it does not involve the computer automatically rendering from mathematical models created by the artist. In digital painting, the artist uses painting techniques to create the image directly on the computer.

My techniques involve these three major activities:

1) Taking Photographs: I start with real images that I have captured with my camera– moments in time that focus the attention on the details of what I am observing. I like to combine the subject with the natural world whether it is the texture of old wood, the patterns in bark , or distorted images of landscape reflected in the water.

2) Combining multiple images to creat a unique third image that captures the essence of each, but in the process creates a new image with it's own character.

3) Making Digital Art: I love playing with, altering, creating, and combining images on the computer. I try and insert my subjects into the natural worlds as well as the fantasy. My only limit is my imagination. The result, sometimes otherworldly, sometimes comical, but always interesting.  Not all of my photos are nudes, but they are the ones that seem to sell better.

Please browse my galleries and enjoy my efforts. If you would like to purchase one of my artworks please contact me at


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The Moose Dogs